February 11, 2025

Master’s in Healthcare Management Degrees in Michigan – U – Part III

Between the public and private health care sectors, the number of unfilled jobs in Michigan for Healthcare Managers is expanding rapidly. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the demand for skilled professionals with proper experience and education in this industry will continue to grow well into the year 2020. The aging population in this country, as well as the advances in technology, have made health care one of the biggest job opportunities, specifically one that is not affected by recessions or other economic factors. Those with a Master’s Level Degree in Healthcare Management from one of the many quality Universities and Colleges in Michigan will have the opportunities to pursue a variety of occupations in Hospitals, health care providers, labs, insurance companies, and other areas in healthcare requiring administrators and managers.

University of Michigan

School of Public Health

The University of Michigan (U of M) located in scenic Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a public research university and the states oldest University. Since its establishment in 1817, the university has added two additional satellite campuses located in Flint and Dearborn to allow students more opportunities to earn their degree. The mission of the University is “to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future”. The School of Public Health is one of the oldest public health schools in the United States and the world. In 2014, US News and World Report ranked The University of Michigan as the #29 Best University in the United States. They also ranked the School of Public Health as the 4th best Graduate School of Public Health and the Healthcare Management Program was ranked as the top HCM Graduate Program in the country.

Dual – Master of Public Health in Health Management and Policy and Master of Public Health in Epidemiology

The Department of Public Health offers several options for earning dual degrees within Public Health in conjunction with other Schools in the University. The program allows completion of two degrees with a reduced course load. Epidemiology is the study of how diseases enter and spread throughout a population and coursework for the MPH degree in Epidemiology include designing studies, collecting and analysis of data, and interpreting empirical findings. The program allows students the basic principles and methods of epidemiology and biostatistics how they apply in the study of health and disease in human populations. Students of epidemiology work in fields such as:

  • Statistical data analysis
  • Disease prevention
  • Research
  • Disaster management

The Public Health Management and Policy (PHMP) concentration helps students to understand structure and administration of public health organizations and the policies that will impact health programs. The concentration allows future administrators to understand the overlap in roles as Managers and Policy developers. Future career opportunities in public health administration and policy include health agencies at local, state and federal levels as well as in research and policy institutes, foundations, professional organizations, and in the healthcare industry. Students wishing to pursue a dual degree must apply to both programs and be admitted separately. An admissions decision in one program does not affect the admissions decision in the other program. The decision to pursue a dual degree can be made either before starting a program or during the first year of your degree program.

Dual – Master of Public Health in Health Management and Policy and Master of Public Health in Behavior/Health Education

With many options for dual degrees offered in conjunction with the Department of Public Health, the ninety credit Master of Public Health in Health Management and Policy and Master of Public Health in Behavior/Health Education dual degree program allows students to complete two degrees with a smaller course requirement in most cases. Health Behavior and Health Education deals with the factors related to health-related behavior and health status to develop and evaluate educational behaviors to improve individual and community health and the quality of life. The Department of Health Behavior and Health Education’s mission is to “promote health and prevent and manage disease within populations and to train leaders to analyze and intervene on a broad range of domestic and global health issues across the lifespan”. The program focus is on the behavioral and social factors connected to health status and behavior to develop skills in the development of programs promoting health, preventing disease, and managing chronic illness.

The Master of Public Health in Health Management and Policy (MPH/HMP) combines training in public health with more specific concentration in health management and policy in preparing graduates for future careers in health services administration, planning, policy, evaluation, consulting, and related careers. The program provided leadership in the fields of education, research, and service in public health. Students pursuing dual degrees are required to apply to both programs and be admitted separately. Deciding to pursue a dual degree can be made before starting a program or during the first year of your degree program.

Dual – Master of Health Service Administration in Health Management and Policy and Master of Public Heath in Epidemiology

Students in the ninety credit dual Master of Health Service Administration in Health Management and Policy and Master of Public Heath in Epidemiology (MHSA/MPH) program take several core courses together during their graduate studies, including courses on the health care delivery system, economics, health policy, accounting, biostatistics, and epidemiology. The MHSA program focuses on the organization, financing, marketing, and management of healthcare organizations and the delivery of health services. The program prepares students for careers in Healthcare Management in hospitals, health systems, clinics, and emergency services management. Other career paths are policy analysts and consultants with a focus on financing, organization, quality, and delivery of personal health services in the public or private sector.

While the MPH program concentrates study factors that affect population health including medical care factors, also studied are socioeconomic conditions, cultural beliefs and practices, behavioral risk factors, and environmental exposures. MPH degrees allow skills and knowledge to manage health programs that deliver preventive healthcare and public health services in private and public institutions and future careers in public health policy, planning, and advocacy. The MPH degree in Health Management and Policy also prepares graduates to manage/direct programs in international health agencies. The Master of Public Heath in Epidemiology allows students the skills and knowledge in the design of studies, the collection and analyzing of data and interpreting findings. The program concentrates coursework study in the principles and methods of epidemiology and biostatistics application to the study of health and disease in human populations.

Dual – Master of Health Service Administration in Health Management and Policy and Master of Public Health in Health Behavior/Health Education

The Master of Health Service Administration in Health Management and Policy and Master of Public Health in Health Behavior/Health Education program allows students to earn a Master’s degree from two different departments within the School of Public Health. Admission to the dual degree programs within the School of Public Health allows the student to pursue both programs with a reduced course load. The educational mission of the MPH/HBHE is “training leaders to analyze and intervene on a broad range of domestic and global health issues across the lifespan. We train leaders through practice experiences, classroom learning, and research opportunities to develop the skills necessary to integrate cultural, ethical, socioeconomic, and social justice issues to improve public health outcomes and quality of life.” The health care system of the future must focus on greater efficiency and quality through improved technology, organization, and management. There is a growing demand for new leaders who can find solutions to the problems we face, both now and in the future.

The MHSA/HMP program combines health-related work experience with a strong business management education to expand student’s qualifications for challenging leadership positions in healthcare in a dynamic environment. As a graduate of the Dual degree program future areas of employment include administrative positions in healthcare organizations including:

  • Hospitals and health systems
  • Group medical practices
  • Clinics
  • Outpatient care centers
  • Home health care facilities
  • Insurance companies
  • Consulting firms
  • Federal regulatory and public health agencies

It is possible to earn a Dual Master’s Degree within SPH in three years, earning a total of 90 credits. Students must meet the requirements for each degree separately and apply at least 45 credits (no duplication in courses) towards each degree.


University of Michigan
School of Public Health
Health Management and Policy Student Services
M3023 SPH II
109 S. Observatory
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
(734) 763-9900
E-mail: [email protected].
Program Website: http://www.sph.umich.edu/hmp/programs/masters/dual/sph.html

Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCACS)
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)

University of Michigan

The Stephen M. Ross School of Business

The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor is a public university founded in 1817. With a current enrollment of 28,283 students, the University ranked fourth Nationally in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges by US News and World Reports. With a mission as stated by the University to “develop leaders who make a positive difference in the world” the Stephen M. Ross School of Business (also known as Ross) is the business school of the University of Michigan. The Business School offers Master’s and Doctoral Degrees as well as an executive education program. Ross also offers dual degrees in conjunction with other University of Michigan colleges. Numerous publications rank the Master of Business Administration (MBA) among the top programs in the country. Bloomberg Businessweek Worldwide ranked the Ross School of Business eighth in the country in 2014 for full-time MBA programs.

Master of Business Administration in Healthcare

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Healthcare at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business allows students to become effective professional leaders in Healthcare. To provide more flexibility in learning requirements, students can complete the MBA on a part-time basis in the evenings or on weekends. The Healthcare Management Concentration combines studies in business and Healthcare to become an executive leader in the healthcare industry. Requirements for this concentration include twelve credits of healthcare course work (three credits must be taken in a University of Michigan school other than Ross) and must complete the concentration within the fifty-seven credit hours required for MBA completion.

University of Michigan
The Stephen M. Ross School of Business
701 Tappan St
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234
(734) 615-5002
Email: [email protected]
Program Website: http://michiganross.umich.edu/faculty-research/areas-of-study/Healthcare

The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (HLC/NCA)
The commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME)
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)

University of Michigan Flint Campus

Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies

Located in Flint Michigan, The University of Michigan (UM) Flint Campus is a public University and one of the two satellite campuses of the University of Michigan. With more than 8,200 students currently enrolled, The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies awards ninety-two individual Master’s Degrees and thirty-five certificate programs within seventeen schools and colleges. In 2014 Rackham awarded more than 2,000 master’s degrees. The Graduate School has graduated more than 85,000 alumni around the world. US News and World Report rate the University of Michigan–Flint as one of the best Master’s level public universities in the Midwest. The Princeton Review included UM-Flint in the “Best in the Midwest” category in their publication 2014 Best Colleges.

Master of Science Health Education

The Master of Science Health Education (MSHE) program at the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies program prepares motivated individuals the skills and competencies in health educations studies including:

  • Health behavior change theory and practice
  • Program planning and implementation
  • Marketing
  • Health communications
  • Program evaluation and research techniques

Students in the MS in Health Education program become proficient in teaching the benefits of good nutrition, drug and alcohol prevention, STD awareness and all aspects of proper prenatal care. The Master’s Degree Programs curriculum provides a deeper understanding of the methods in development, execution, and evaluation of private and public wellness programs. With flexibility for learning style for those students already in careers, the MS in Health Education program is available in a part-time (eighteen-months) or full-time format (twenty-four months). Areas of future employment can include careers as health educators in academia, clinical, community, and corporate organizations.

Master of Public Administration

The Master of Public Administration program at The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies prepares students for careers as executive managers in local, state, and federal government, as well as in nongovernmental organization (NGO) and nonprofit sectors. Coursework includes the roles, development, and principles of public administration and managing and implementing public policy to analyze problems and solve them effectively. Core curriculum includes microeconomics, public finance, research methods and statistics, policy process and policy analysis, public financial management, managerial accounting, ethics, leadership, planning and program evaluation, and performance measurement. MPA students can choose a more specific concentration to personalize their career paths:

  • Administration of Nonprofit Agencies
  • Criminal Justice Administration
  • Educational Administration
  • Healthcare Administration

The program requires thirty-nine to forty-two credit hours for completion and the program is available in a part-time format to meet the flexibility requirements of working professionals. Most courses are offered on campus in the evening and an online format as well. Graduates are prepared to become capable and decisive professional leaders in Public Administration.

Master of Public Health

The Master of Public Health program at the University of Michigan-Flint prepares students for Public Health careers in local, state or federal health agencies or those pursuing a future career in international health organizations. As a public Health professional, it is important to have required knowledge and skills dealing with issues such as substance abuse, disease prevention, and control, environmental health, injury prevention or occupational health. Students can also choose a concentration in Health Education or Healthcare Administration. The forty-two credit hour programs can be completed on a part or full-time program. Coursework can be completed at the Flint Campus or by blending a combination of online and in-classroom courses. Graduate will earn competency in the following areas of Public Health Studies:

  • Demonstration of evidence-based approaches in Public Health practice
  • Fundamental epidemiological concepts in dealing with population-based health issues
  • Evaluate Current health issues and policies
  • Implementation of leadership, administration and communicating skills by planning, organization, administration and evaluating of public health process and programs
  • The concepts and methodology of social and behavioral science in identification and solving problems in public health

University of Michigan-Flint
Office of Graduate Programs
251 Thompson Library
303 E. Kearsley Street
Flint, MI 48502-1950
(810) 762-3171
Email: [email protected]
Program Website: http://www.umflint.edu/graduateprograms

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA)
Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
Council for Education for Public Health (CEPH)

University of Michigan Flint Campus

Flint School of Management

University of Michigan Flint Campus is a satellite campus of the University of Michigan System, a public university founded in 1817 with a total enrollment of over 43,000 students in a total of six hundred academic programs. The Mission Statement as stated by the University is to be a “community of diverse learners and scholars, where students from this region and beyond prepare for leadership, achievement, and service through interactive instruction in the arts, sciences, humanities, and professions. By excellence in teaching, learning, and scholarship; student-centeredness; and engaged citizenship students become leaders in their fields, in their professions, and their communities.” Bloomberg Businessweek.com ranked The School of Management is ranked forty-sixth for a part-time MBA program in the country.

Master of Business Administration with Healthcare Concentration

The thirty to forty-five credit hour Master of Business Administration Program provides students a basic understanding of the necessary skills essential to decision making including: behavioral science, economics, communication, and quantitative methods. Coursework includes knowledge of the following areas of business studies:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Organizational behavior
  • Marketing
  • Operations management

For flexibility in suiting those students already in careers, the MBA program is available in two tracks: MBA evening classes and an MBA mixed combination of online learning and weekend classes. The concentration in Healthcare allows students to focus their career in business toward careers in the Healthcare industry. Students choose three courses to complete the concentration from the following courses:

  • Health Policy
  • Healthcare Quality Management
  • Healthcare Strategic Planning
  • Case Management for Healthcare Professionals
  • Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Management
  • Healthcare Professionalism and Leadership
  • Fundamentals for Effective Healthcare Professionals
  • Graduate Research Theory
  • Spiritual Dimensions of Healthcare

The program can be completed in eighteen months as a full-time program.

University of Michigan
Flint School of Management
2220 Riverfront Center
303 East Kearsley Street
3180 William S. White Building
Flint, MI 48502-1950
(810) 762-3160
Email: [email protected]
Program Website: http://www.umflint.edu/som/school-management

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCACS)
The Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business International (AACSCI)
The Council on Social Work Education

With a vastly diverse economy in Michigan, residents led the nation in job creation in 2010. The three major American auto companies all located in the Detroit Michigan metropolitan area have placed Michigan as the center of the automotive industry in the United States. Despite the size of the auto industry, there are over 300,000 jobs in Healthcare Management making it the career choice with the highest rise. The average salary for those professionals with Graduate Degrees in Healthcare Management is $101,340 according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes119111.htm The growth rate for medical and health services managers continue to grow well into the future and with many choices for top quality Universities and Colleges in Michigan providing excellent Graduate programs in Healthcare Management, those qualified and experienced Healthcare Managers meet those needs.