Once you have made the decision to apply to graduate training in health care management you are on the road to a successful career. Before you can begin your graduate training you must first go through the process of applying to graduate school.
Finding the Right Programs for Me
The first, and often most critical step, is finding the programs you plan to apply to. In order to narrow down the list you will need to ask a series of questions relating to your personal and professional goals. Some of these include:
- Where do I want to apply?
- How much tuition can I afford and will I be able to take out loans?
- Do I want to apply to a Master’s Degree Program or a Doctoral Program?
- Do I need the flexibility of online learning?
After answering these, and several other relevant questions, you can start to narrow down your selection of schools. According to MyGraduateSchool.com you will want to apply to between 4 and 5 schools. While you need to apply to more than just your top one or two choices, you will also need to narrow down your results, as the process of applying is time consuming.
Do I Need to Complete Any Standardized Tests?
Most graduate programs in health care management will require students to complete the Graduate Record Exams (GRE). These are standardized tests that students must sign up for and complete on their own time. This test is a computer delivered test offered at various testing facilities throughout the country. The cost of the test is approximately $195, and students can take advantage of many low cost or no cost test preparation offerings online.
What Materials Will I Need to Gather?
In order to submit an application students must typically gather the following materials:
- Two to four letters of recommendation
- Your College Transcripts from all undergraduate programs you attended
- Your GRE Scores
- All application materials, in many cases these can be submit online
- A personal statement as set forth by the program.
Each school and each program will have its own set of application criteria. Some many require students to provide more information. It is important to keep track of what each program requires so you do not run the risk of not being considered as a candidate for enrollment.
In Applying to Grad School Free?
Most graduate schools charge a small fee for application. These fees typically range from $25-$100 for each school you apply to. Keep this in mind when you formulate your list of schools.
How Do I Send My Application?
In the past candidates had to send all of their documentation and application materials in paper format. As technology changes, more and more colleges are accepting digital copies of most forms. Be sure to check each program in regards to the preferred method of application submission.