May 2, 2024

5 Hallmarks of an Excellent Nursing Administration Degree Program

Signs of an Excellent Nursing Administration Degree Program

• School

• Accreditation

• Curriculum

• Internship

• Flexibility

Choosing an excellent nursing administration degree program can be difficult and somewhat daunting. Nursing administration is a field with many responsibilities. Aspiring nurse administrators not only want to complete a nursing administration program but also want to complete an excellent program that will prepare them for all the ins and outs of being a nursing administrator. Here are a few hallmarks of an excellent nursing administration degree program.

Related resource: Top 20 Online Master’s Degrees in Nursing Administration and Leadership

1. School

Students should do thorough research on the school and find out everything they can about the school. Prior to enrolling in a nursing administration program, the applicant should thoroughly vet the school. Does the school offer both online and on-campus courses? What are the graduation and job placement rates at this school? What are the NCLEX-RN pass rates for this school? What will the school cost in terms of not just tuition rates but also additional fees? How is the school’s ranking compared to other nursing schools?

2. Accreditation

It’s been said that a degree is only as good as the school from which it came. When choosing a school for your nursing administration degree, the student should make sure the school is accredited. While it’s important that the school be accredited, it’s also very important that the program is accredited. A school can be nationally and regionally accredited and still offer a program that is not accredited. The state board of nursing should also approve the school. It would be a shame to invest the time and money to complete a nursing administration degree program only to discover it’s recognized by healthcare facilities in which the student may wish to work.

3. Curriculum

An excellent nursing administration degree program provides students with a well-rounded curriculum. A program that’s well-rounded includes more than just nursing or administration courses. It offers students a little bit of everything, including internships, workshops, and courses designed to provide students with hands-on training. Does the program include both asynchronous and synchronous courses? Graduates of nursing administration programs should have the training and knowledge to work in a variety of healthcare settings.

4. Internship

Internships are a very important part of a nursing administration degree program because they allow the student to put to use what was learned in the program. It also allows them to develop professional skills needed in the public health field. An excellent nursing administration degree program offers a well-rounded internship program where the student can obtain hands-on training in a supervised environment. Internships enhance the student’s theoretical knowledge with real-world experience. Students should look for a program that includes a couple of different internships.

5. Flexibility

Flexibility is extremely important when choosing a nursing administration degree program. The student has committed to attending classes for several years, so the program should be as flexible as possible. Many students need to work classes in around their jobs and can only attend classes at certain times. Is the program flexible enough to offer evening or weekend classes? Are some of the classes or courses offered online? These are all factors a student should investigate prior to enrolling in the school or the program.

Nursing administrators fall under the category of medical and health services managers, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states these professionals should see job growth of 20 percent between 2016 and 2026. The best way to become a part of this exciting, growing field is by choosing an excellent nursing administration degree program because your education is only as good as the school in which you earned the degree!