May 6, 2024

Five New Types of Technology Saving Lives in the Field of Healthcare


The Latest Life-Saving Developments in Healthcare Technology

  • Domestic Point of Care Solutions
  • Portable Emergency Alert Devices
  • 3D Printed Body Parts
  • Genetic Testing for Addiction Vulnerability
  • Ultraviolet Sanitation

When it comes to healthcare, new developments in technology can translate into hundreds or even thousands of lives saved. While the last few decades saw rapid developments across virtually all fields and industries, some of the most recent medical innovations show astounding potential. Even seasoned members of the healthcare profession may be surprised at the array of new gadgets, techniques and tools that are now accessible for general and specialized practices. Incorporating new technology into normal treatment procedures can be life-changing for those suffering from any kind of health issue, including genetic disorders, contagious illnesses and physical injuries.

Domestic Point of Care Solutions

Monitoring the recovery and on-going conditions of patients is a challenge for healthcare providers across the country, but it is particularly problematic in rural areas with low population density. Many people forego scheduled checkups and follow-up visits due to the time and expenses of traveling long distance to visit their healthcare provider. Fortunately, doctors can now equip their patients with mobile point of care systems that can take accurate and detailed measurements of their physiological state. The devices store and transmit the information back to the healthcare provider, so they can keep tabs on an individual’s health remotely.

Portable Emergency Alert Devices

Thousands of people of all ages live with conditions that could produce fatal symptoms in a matter of moments with little or no notice. Elderly people who live alone could fall and injure themselves severely and might not be able to reach their phone. Likewise, someone with a severe allergy could be in mortal danger if they enter anaphylaxis without a phone or adult nearby. The invention of reliable portable alert devices, like the Wearsafe Tag, allow the wearer to push a button to immediately connect with a healthcare provider or other emergency contact. These devices can also be used in case of a home break-in or other dangerous encounter.

3D Printed Body Parts

There are a seemingly infinite number of applications for 3D printing, so it shouldn’t be surprising that the technology can save the lives of patients. This unique type of manufacturing allows hospitals to fabricate various body parts with customized specifications to match the needs of individual patients. In many cases, institutions can keep the printers on site to speed up the entire process. For situations where every second counts, the ability to deliver essential components quickly can make the difference between life and death.

Genetic Testing for Addiction Vulnerability

Mapping the human genome has proven to be one of the most valuable accomplishments in the history of medical science, and the study of DNA continues to produce life-saving innovations with each passing year. It can even help combat the rising threat of opioid addiction, which has become a national health concern in the US over the last few years. Doctors can now conduct simple and cost-effective genetic screenings to determine if patients are predisposed to developing a dependency on medications before issuing a prescription. This allows them to find alternative pain management solutions that address individual needs, allowing for a more effective and personalized treatment plan.

Ultraviolet Sanitation

No amount of elbow grease and cleaning chemicals can completely eliminate the presence of pathogens in an operating room. Hospitals and other facilities are host to some of the most virulent and dangerous diseases on the planet, which places visitors at risk of infection despite impeccable hygienic practices. Luckily, these facilities can now improve the safety of their rooms with the simple flick of a switch. Specialized light emitters can destroy pathogens by exposing them to ultraviolet rays that wash over all visible surfaces when activated. This type of sanitation is used alongside traditional hygiene practices to provider cleaner facilities with no extra burden on staff members.

For members of the medical profession, nothing is more important than saving lives and improving the health of patients. It may be difficult to keep up with all of the latest discoveries in the field, but many healthcare providers can improve their service by adopting just a few of these innovations. These life-saving developments are only a fraction of the many new healthcare technologies that have the potential to save and improve the lives of patients around the world.

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